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PayR  se

UI/UX Design, Human-Centered Design


UI/UX Designer

Solo Project


February 2020 - March 2020 &

June 2020 - July 2020


Adobe Illustrator, InDesign



What is this project?


This app is part of a class assignment for which the prompt was to design, build and user-test a prototype for a web or mobile application that solves a problem related to equity, for a target audience.​


​My app is a job-search app geared mainly towards women and bridging the wage gap. The app relies on a short quiz to collect data from the user about their current job profiles, location, salary, etc, to then construct a profile and calculate the wage gap percentage for their specific case. The app also offers resources to women for negotiating their pay and explains this wage gap issue and how to combat it. Using the interactivity and overall functionality of this app, I hope to create an empowering support system for women facing unequal pay across the globe.


Solution Overview

Final Result mockups and features


Start off the app's navigation with an introduction and basic task options. Users also have the option of a side menu, useful for returning users who know where they want to go in the app. 


Quiz and Results

The quiz element collects the user's basic information, using which the user's wage gap percent range is calculated and displayed on a final results page. This includes links to search for jobs by category or use the side menu to navigate elsewhere. 

Job Search

Users can search for jobs by category or using keywords. They can also use wage gap percentage to search for jobs within the same or different ranges. The job-search page can be accessed through the quiz results pages as well as from the side menu.



Access external resources for guidance or advice on certain issues in their careers, or to learn more about the wage gap and how to reduce it.

Main Menu

This menu includes access to user profiles, sign in pages, the wage gap quiz, the job-search page, more resources, and app settings. 


User Research

Personas, Product Comparisons, Storyboarding research methods


How, where, why would users use my product?

My target audience is women and the community of people who are affected by the wage gap, but are unable to avoid it. I hope to be able to target this feminine audience and encourage them to bridge the wage gap through an empowering support system and an effective job-search. My targeted age group is between 18 to 65 years old, which includes anyone who has the possibility of employment and an ability to combat the wage gap. For this, I created 2 personas, encompassing different people of different ages and job profiles. 


SWOT Analysis

Existing products comparisons
  • There are many existing job-search products out there such as Monster, Glassdoor, Indeed etc.

  • My product is more interactivity-based but also gives out information about problems that people may face in their jobs.

  • The problems my app will address are job satisfaction, mental health, gender equality and pay equity, which have not been tackled in an app specifically targeted towards women.

  • The app is mainly geared towards women since I am trying to bring the wage gap between men and women to their attention and create awareness about it.

  • I hope to give women a chance to personalize the app and be able to search for jobs which fit their criteria in case of job type, location, and being able to compare jobs to choose the right paying job for them.


How, where, why would users use my product?

Current Situation

  • Unhappy with her salary & overworked

  • Was sidelined against a male employee for a raise she asked for months ago

  • Does not feel appreciated at her workplace

How would they use my app?

  • Look for jobs which have a little to none wage gap between men & women

  • A job where she feels included & valued

  • Find help about negotiating a salary

Person 1
Person 2

Current Situation

  • Experienced, pregnant individual looking for jobs as a mechanical engineer

  • Wants flexible hours & reasonable pay

  • Prefers nearby locations for convenience

  • Her current company has a low ratio of women to men 

  • Wants to advance in her career but does not see potential for growth

How would they use my app?

  • Find a job with all her preferences

  • Be able to compare characteristics like growth potential in her field & location

  • Find companies with flexible hours 


Current Situation

  • An individual, currently doing a travel job in which the company reimburses him for travel costs but not food & stay

  • She has negotiated a potential raise or extra reimbursement but has been put off

How would they use my app?

  • Find a company with better equity & lower wage gap

  • Compare wage gaps for jobs anywhere since she has no location preferences

  • Compare job benefits & ratings

Person 3
Person 4

Current Situation

  • Currently very happy working at a company which treats her with respect and equity

  • Looking to move into another sector within her field of work

  • Current company does not have open positions available within that field

How would they use my app?

  • Compare current job and its characteristics with other similar-paying and rated jobs

  • She can narrow her search for companies with job satisfaction and pay equity filters


User Experience

User Flows, Wireframes, Color Palette

User Flow and Site Maps

Creating a map of my app's navigation

I created a flowchart with the app screen and button to explain where each function would take the user. The format is screen/button going to the next screen/button. Using this chart, I was able to figure out any holes in my thinking and make the app easier to navigate.



Creating a basic idea of the layout of my app

I wanted to create an interface which is different and exciting, but also something which looked professional enough to be a job-search app. I incorporated a straightforward layout with lots of pages, to make the navigation and app flow a little easier for the user. I also used a lot of icons throughout my design, to make sure the app remains interactive and visual for the user. 


Color scheme

An initial palette of colors for the design

I wanted to diverge from the common palette of a light background and dark text and try something reversed, with a dark background but bright colors for functional elements and text. 


User Testing

Testing Goals, first prototype, critique, participants, and results

Overall Design and Functionality

Goals for testing





Test the product concept and prototype with a specific task given to users.

Figure out the gaps in functionality causing confusion and frustration.

Identify additions that the users would like to see in the app interface or concept.

First Prototype

Initial design and specific changes

Too small to read comfortably

Two buttons too close to each other 

Round and rectangular
aesthetic clashes


Font and color makes text hard to read for people with disabilities

Boxes do not look like text input boxes

Current interface does not prompt scrolling

Text color on current background is slightly hard to read

Menu buttons are universally located on the right side


Testing Summary

Participant Profiles

Testing the product with a varying participant profiles

User Feedback

Using this testing, I was able to figure out many holes in my thinking in terms of navigation and functionality. I gained a lot of insights into what could confuse users and how I can make this process easier for them. I also gained a lot of praise for using imagery and a different kind of color scheme to attract the users attention.

Iterating the design

For my next iteration, I fixed the main menu and adding a section which re-directs to women’s resources such as negotiating pay. I also added small features like back buttons, scroll bars, etc to make the user experience better. To make my app more accessible for people with disabilities, I made my text boxes and some other elements on my page a little more visible for the user to see. 


Final Result

Hi-fi Mockups, final color scheme, next steps

Hi-fi Mockups

Screen Shot 2020-07-05 at 5.53.42 PM.png

Color Scheme


Final Design


Project Thoughts

Learnings and next steps


​I think my final draft effectively conveys everything I hoped to implement. The app gives people a chance to personally get acquainted with the wage gap and realize how it could be affecting them. Using the quiz information, the app then provides people with the resources they need to fight against pay inequality. I hope that this app is something which I could potentially develop into something real and helpful for future generations. 


  • I began thinking about the design much before I could test out my navigation and user flows and ended up having to change too many elements of my design, unnecessarily spending extra time on it. I learned that user input is very important in developing a design!

  • This project was one of my first human-centered design projects, so I learned how to put the user's ideas and pain points first, then create a design to make their lives easier.

Future Steps

  • A design is never perfect so keep iterating and learning!

  • I hope to develop this design concept into a real application to be used in the job market.

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© Neha Deshmukh 2025

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